KITS technologies has been successfully involved in a wide range of enterprise ICT Projects. Below are few cases:
Contec Global Group
Established in 1984 and headquartered in London, the Contec Global Group has a worldwide presence, with operations in Asia, Africa, Europe and America. As a company founded on the platform of e-Governance and smart technologies, Contec Global is amongst the most experienced independent technology and systems organizations operating in developing countries

The Challenge: Contec Global was preparing to build a tier3 Data Center in Nigeria. As part of the best practice procedure to get started rightly, KITS technologies was consulted to assist in checking if the existing building and spaces they originally planned to use was suitable for new Tier3 Data Centre operations.
The Solution: As the consultant, KITS Certified Data Centre experts visited the site for in-depth site pre-implementation assessment and submitted a detailed expert report to Contec Global, the report covers all spaces as it relates to all Data Centre facilities to be deployed. Most importantly, the reports includes KITS technologies’ professional recommendations to guide Contec Global through the process of starting with the right footing as it relates to the entire life span of the project, all in the best interest of Contec Global.
Warri Refining & Petrochemical Company (WRPC)
WRPC is a subsidiary of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). WRPC focuses on processing of crude oil into Petroleum products, Manufacture and Market Petrochemical Products in Africa.

The Challenge: WRPC requires 100% uptime on its Internet and Email access as well as servers including their VPN links. For this reasons, WRPC activated multiple ISP and wanted a solution capable of bonding the various connections together in a way that will guarantee 100% uptime while making the combined Bandwidth available on the LAN.
The Solution: KITS technologies deployed Internet Link bonding technology that provides 100% uptime and accelerated Internet speed by bonding and aggregating all the available ISPs. The deployed solution is capable of aggregating up to 12 broadband Internet access lines (any combination of 3G/4G/LTE, Wimax, DSLs, Cable, T1, E1, MPLS) with no changes to the existing firewall, routers and LAN equipment. With this solution, the bandwidth of all various ISP of WRPC were (combined) seamlessly aggregated into a single fat pipe to create one powerful connection with high speed connectivity, thereby guaranteeing WRPC with 100% Uptime, Zero Downtime, High 9s available connectivity.
Main One Cable Company
Main One is a communications services company providing open access wholesale international connectivity and broadband capacity to countries in West Africa. Main One built and own the first privately owned submarine cable over a distance of 7,000 kilometres along the West African coastline, with initial landing stations in Nigeria, Ghana and Portugal.

The Challenge: Main One was considering building a high standard Data Centre in Nigeria, with full capacity that could accommodate up to 600 racks, and was proposing to have it commence full operation in 2014. Main One realized the need to acquire the necessary professional knowledge prior to commencement of the huge project. KITS technologies was consulted to assist in training Mainone team to for the project.
The Solution: KITS technologies, in conjunction with Capitoline LLP of UK delivered the Training. The training (Data Centre Expert, DCE® certification) covers the global best practice Design, Operation Management and Audit of Data Centre. The DCE® certification training is based on international standards such as TIA 942 and ISO 27000 and was the world’s first Data Centre facilities engineering training, and started in 2005.
Other companies who have also benefited from KITS professional Data Centre Training in Nigeria include; Accenture, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), CBC, Chevron, Resourcery, etc. DCE® certification training has been presented in over twenty countries to over 1000 companies. With authorized design accreditation from uptime institute, the training is a recognised technical professional qualification in both the US and Europe by BICSI and Chartered Building Services Engineers.
GNLD (Golden Neolife Diamite International) a global health and wellness nutritional company committed to helping people take control of their health. With over 50 years of experience, and currently operating in over 50 countries

The Challenge: GNLD business model is such that services are rendered via a network of partners and resellers who walked in to their office nationwide for product solutions. Thus, huge crowd besiege their office on a daily basis, and requires special management for good customer experience. For this reason, KITS technologies was contacted for a solution primary to create good customer experience through automated self-service technology that would promptly and efficiently manage customer flow.
The Solution: With adequate assessment of GNLD needs, KITS technologies deployed an Efficiency Optimizer with an electronic queuing system (EQMS). The solution was designed and customized specifically for GNLD, in a way that best suit GNLD business model. With the EQMS, all GNLD client-facing services were effectively automated.
Today, GNLD clients are serviced promptly, efficiently within a pre-defined time set by GNLD. Wait time is tremendously reduced; Client can now determine when they would be serviced while in waiting. GNLD can better monitor the productivity of each client-facing staff across all locations; GNLD can easily extract relevant KPIs to take needed business decisions. GNLD can monitor on real time basis their operations as it relates to peak period, off-peak period etc, and regarding total customer flow.
EQMS is designed with the customer in mind, and particularly to help you create an environment where customers can feel at home and be delighted even while waiting. The solution is redefining customer experience and creating a competitive edge through a unique customer experience. EQMS is ideal for Banks, Telecom Service Centers, Government Institutions, Hospitals, Retail, Airlines, Embassies or any other organization, which encounters heavy flow of customers.
Xerox H.S. (Nigeria)
Rank Xerox (Nigeria) Limited (RXN), a leading office equipment marketer in Nigeria commenced business operations in Nigeria since 1974. Xerox H.S. (Nigeria) changed its name to XHS (Nigeria) Limited in 2003. XHS (Nigeria) Limited is the authorized marketers of Xerox products in Nigeria.

The Challenge: Xerox H.S is repositioning to upgrade its network infrastructure to support her new business model in other to allow flexibility in data access role from remote branch offices to the HQ. The proposed upgrade network should be fortified with adequate security to guarantee end-to-end data access on the ERP and payroll application over secured VPN connection HQ to branch office. Also required is intelligent Power management solution for reliable and available connectivity. KITS Technologies was contracted as the consultant to audit the current network infrastructure for all necessary improvement for the desired objectives.
The Solution: As the consultant, KITS Networks infrastructure experts conducted in-depth Network assessment across the branch offices and HQ of Xeros H.S, and submitted an independent professional report to Xerox H.S. The report detailed the gaps in the current network infrastructure, and redesigned the entire network covering; Infrastructure and Connectivity Structured LAN Cabling, VPN, Networks Security and Intelligent Power management, with professional recommendations to support the desire of Xerox H.S effectively.
The Nigerian Stock Exchange
The Nigerian Stock Exchange was founded in 1960. Today, the Exchange has branch offices established in some of the major commercial cities of the country. With about 200 companies and 258 Securities listed, The Exchange brings together the best of African enterprises and the local and global investor communities.
The Challenge: In its constant effort for complete technological transformation of its operation to meet client yearnings by ensuring complete visibility, real-time accurate market information and transparency to the whole world, it became crucial that NSE needs digital Information Display Solution.

The Solution: The consortium of KITS technologies and Wavetec (a global market leader in Stock Exchange displays) deployed a state-of-the-art Information Display Solution. Today, the customized solution has brought the new possibilities for the exchange, Market data presentation are now presented Live to the public in real-time. Thereby creating an Investment friendly and transparent environment. . With this solution, the Nigerian Stock Exchange is poised to champion the acceleration of Africa’s economic development and to become “the Gateway to African Markets”.
Others who have taken the advantage of Wavetec Digital Information Display system includes; Dubai Financial Markets, Bahrain stock exchange, Muscat securities Market, Santiago Stock Exchange, Ethiopian commodity exchange.
The List Goes On
The above list is just a few out of KITS numerous projects and solutions, across all sectors of the economy and covering; Fiber Internet Connectivity, VSAT Internet Connectivity, VPN Connectivity, Wireless Connectivity Long Distance Fiber Project, Data Center Implementation, Structured Cabling, Enterprise Office Communication, Video Conferencing, Firewall & Network Security Solution, Network Content Filtering Solution, CCTV / IP Surveillance, Premises Access Control Solution, Electronics Queue Management System (EQMS), Information Display System (IDS), Link Bounding & Aggregation, Training and Consultancy.
For more cases or customized solution for your requirement, please contact us
Products and Services
Fiber Internet Connectivity
VSAT Internet Connectivity
VPN Connectivity
Wireless Connectivity
Long Distance Fiber Project
Data Center Implementation
Structured Cabling
Enterprise Phone system (PABX / IP PBX)
Video Conferencing
TV Broadcast Solution
Mobile Communication (PTT and Satellite)
Cyber Security – UTM
CCTV / IP Surveillance
Identity Management Solution
Electronics Queue Management System (EQMS)
Information Display System (IDS)
Link Bounding & Aggregation
Lecture Tracker
Face Detection & IRIS Capture
Professional Wireless Networking
VPN / Firewall Security
Structured Cabling and Fiber Optics
Fiber Optics Professional
Premises Access Control Solution
Cyber Security Training
VSAT Installation
Data Centre Design and Implementation
Data Storage
CCTV / IP Surveillance
CISSP Certification Training